Tuesday, December 20, 2011

UPDATE: Was a Footprint From the Same "Strange Humanoid" Found One Month Before the Initial Report?

Here is the first report that I had posted on June 23, 2011 describing the finding of an odd footprint that spontaneously appeared while our backs were turned:

"Last night, me and my dad took a short walk around the neighborhood because it was a nice night to do so.  We returned home and as we were walking up the driveway, we talked about one morning a few weeks ago in which we both (at different times) saw a toad walking across the front porch. I had my flashlight on, shining it to demonstrate the toads path (keep that part of the story in mind). We then shifted our attention to the the house lights, looking for any cool bugs or creatures of any sort which we often do (avid outdoorsmen).  We walked over to the southern side-yard to have a look around but didn't see anything.  Upon our return back towards the porch, something caught my eye which I KNEW wasn't there before.  An oddly shaped wet humanoid footprint right on our front porch. And judging by the time it took for other prints we made to try and debunk it (those prints failed at re-creating it), the print was only about a minute old - MAX.  It was smaller than my foot (a size 8 Puma - they run small) but wider. The big toe and second toe are clearly visible but the others I'm guessing, evaporated very quickly (wet footprint on cement porch).  The heel and arch of the foot are also very visible.  We at first assumed that it must have been one of us that did something to have made this wet print but after trying long and hard to explain it or debunk it, as I said above, we failed.  It would have been 100% impossible for it to be one of us.  Both of our shoe and foot sizes were too large to make the print and there was nothing else that could have made a wet spot that just happened to look like a footprint.  It was a footprint.  But what made it? the whole front yard and surrounding area was only out of our view while we were on the side-yard for about one minute at the most.  We heard nothing, we saw nothing.  And if there was something physically there, we would have known about it.  Nothing is that stealthy. We were only about 4 yards away.  But quite obviously, there was something there.  Below, you can see a picture of this "Thing's" footprint (on the left) alongside my footprint (on the right) along with audio I took after finding the print to document the discovery.

The description that went along with the video: "What transpired tonight cannot be explained by even the most skeptical and rationally thinking individuals. All efforts to re-create or explain this incident have failed."

Tonight, we tried to re-create the print again. The results are below

As you will see, the shape of the HUMAN foot differs from that of the mystery creature's foot.  Now lets look at these two prints together.

Unidentified print on the top, human print on the bottom.  You can tell at first glance that these two prints are very different from each other in that the mystery print, we'll call it "Print A" for now,  has a much thicker, wider heel than the much larger human print, "Print B".  You can also see how the big toe of Print A points straight forward while Print B curves more to the left. And there are more differences than the ones I just mentioned. Those are just the first two that jumped out at me.

This was the first time I had heard of anything of this type happening before last night.  Upon further research this evening, I found that others have had similar experiences.  From what I can tell, this is a very rare occurrence that hasn't been studied or researched enough to even make a wild guess as to what makes these mysterious footprints.  As me and the other witness to this event talked, we thought that some kind of interdimensional being may be the most likely culprit in this incident that makes no sense as it is.  What ever it was, it would have HAD to be invisible  to walk up to the porch and be unseen or heard. We were just TOO close.  So was it some kind of phantom? interdimensional being? alien? bigfoot? I suppose we'll never truly know.

**EDITOR'S NOTE** I should have also mentioned that the grass was, as you could hear in the re-creation video, very wet from a lot of rain. Which is how the wet print was made."

Last night as I was looking through the "Cryptozoology Field Research" videos that I did during the spring, something rather exciting caught my eye. Here is the video.

(Pay close attention to the second footprint I found)

If you need to, watch that part with the second footprint a second time. At the time, I said it was possibly my print from another pair of shoes I wore down there but after I really thought about it, the torrential downpours that occurred the night before would have most definitely washed away any pre-existing prints in that area. Plus, once again (like the June 22nd incident that occurred one month later), the print was smaller than mine. Here is a comparison:

(Notice the same wide heel and overall shape, and the fact that only the big toe and possibly the second toe are discernible)

This discovery shows that what ever made that print hung around for at least a month (from late May to late June) and obviously doesn't fear us in any way (seeing as though it followed us home on June 22nd). 

At this time, the culprit still remains completely unknown.


Monday, July 11, 2011

"Werewolf" like Creature Sighting in Northeastern Illinois

A source would like to share their account of a large biped creature they encountered in 2007.

"It was October 1st and I was coming home from a visit to the forest preserve. It was extremely foggy and misty that day. And as I turned off the main street and into my subdivision, I glanced into the rear view mirror and saw something I will not soon forget. Something was standing upright in the middle of the street and it wasn't human. My first thought was a large dog but it couldn't be. As I slowed down and came to a stop I observed the creature. It appeared to be six plus feet in height, covered in a brownish-gray fur, and a head that resembled a German Shepherd but larger. It had elongated fingers and toes with claws on both. I continued to watch the creature as it dropped to all fours and ran off into a field and disappeared (out of view). I was in utter shock after what I had witnessed as my house was just a block away. When I entered my driveway, I sat and looked toward the wooded dead end path which was the direction it was heading when I saw it last. I got out of my car quickly, entered my house and locked all the doors and closed the curtains. I continued to observe out the window towards the dead end trying to catch a glimpse of the creature once more. But I have never seen anything like it since. And I've never shared this with anyone before. It was amazing and frightening all at the same time."

Note:  This happened only a block from my home.  And the dead end that was mentioned is the dead end I’m almost always researching in.  The witness is immediate family and would never lie about a thing like this. Heck, I was even in the car at the time, but was picking something up off of the floor and was unable to see the creature because of how fast the whole thing went down. 


Friday, July 8, 2011

Fleet of Orange UFOs (July 4, 2011)

We have concluded that these craft were not likely to be Chinese Lanterns because of their overwhelming brightness while at a far distance and their ability to stay in formation with each other and all go off at the same time. There were also HUNDREDS of spectators that saw a triangular formation in a town nearby.

**NOTE** I am the original poster of the video and THE ONE THAT FILMED IT.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Strange Humanoid Footprint Appears out of Nowhere! - Interdimensional Being?

Last night, me and my dad took a short walk around the neighborhood because it was a nice night to do so.  We returned home and as we were walking up the driveway, we talked about one morning a few weeks ago in which we both (at different times) saw a toad walking across the front porch. I had my flashlight on, shining it to demonstrate the toads path (keep that part of the story in mind). We then shifted our attention to the the house lights, looking for any cool bugs or creatures of any sort which we often do (avid outdoorsmen).  We walked over to the southern side-yard to have a look around but didn't see anything.  Upon our return back towards the porch, something caught my eye which I KNEW wasn't there before.  An oddly shaped wet humanoid footprint right on our front porch. And judging by the time it took for other prints we made to try and debunk it (those prints failed at re-creating it), the print was only about a minute old - MAX.  It was smaller than my foot (a size 8 Puma - they run small) but wider. The big toe and second toe are clearly visible but the others I'm guessing, evaporated very quickly (wet footprint on cement porch).  The heel and arch of the foot are also very visible.  We at first assumed that it must have been one of us that did something to have made this wet print but after trying long and hard to explain it or debunk it, as I said above, we failed.  It would have been 100% impossible for it to be one of us.  Both of our shoe and foot sizes were too large to make the print and there was nothing else that could have made a wet spot that just happened to look like a footprint.  It was a footprint.  But what made it? the whole front yard and surrounding area was only out of our view while we were on the side-yard for about one minute at the most.  We heard nothing, we saw nothing.  And if there was something physically there, we would have known about it.  Nothing is that stealthy. We were only about 4 yards away.  But quite obviously, there was something there.  Below, you can see a picture of this "Thing's" footprint (on the left) alongside my footprint (on the right) along with audio I took after finding the print to document the discovery.

The description that went along with the video: "What transpired tonight cannot be explained by even the most skeptical and rationally thinking individuals. All efforts to re-create or explain this incident have failed."

Tonight, we tried to re-create the print again. The results are below.

As you will see, the shape of the HUMAN foot differs from that of the mystery creature's foot.  Now lets look at these two prints together.

Unidentified print on the top, human print on the bottom.  You can tell at first glance that these two prints are very different from each other in that the mystery print, we'll call it "Print A" for now,  has a much thicker, wider heel than the much larger human print, "Print B".  You can also see how the big toe of Print A points straight forward while Print B curves more to the left. And there are more differences than the ones I just mentioned. Those are just the first two that jumped out at me.

This was the first time I had heard of anything of this type happening before last night.  Upon further research this evening, I found that others have had similar experiences.  From what I can tell, this is a very rare occurrence that hasn't been studied or researched enough to even make a wild guess as to what makes these mysterious footprints.  As me and the other witness to this event talked, we thought that some kind of interdimensional being may be the most likely culprit in this incident that makes no sense as it is.  What ever it was, it would have HAD to be invisible  to walk up to the porch and be unseen or heard. We were just TOO close.  So was it some kind of phantom? interdimensional being? alien? bigfoot? I suppose we'll never truly know.

**EDITOR'S NOTE** I should have also mentioned that the grass was, as you could hear in the re-creation video, very wet from a lot of rain. Which is how the wet print was made.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

More Sasquatch Stick Structures?

Here's a new area of interest. I will be keeping a close eye on this 20 foot patch of the woods that seems to always be intensely disturbed.  More to come.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Something New...

I've now taken up researching and looking for a very elusive creature known as "Sasquatch" or "Bigfoot".  You can keep up with the odd things I'm finding in the woods near my home on our Youtube page "ParanormalIllinois".   Here's just one chapter of my ongoing search for this rare great ape.
